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Maple Class - Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 Maple Class!


Mock Election

As we lead up to the general election, to give t(e children a chance to understand how an election works, we held a mock election. The class were split into 4 ‘political parties’ and came up with names and 3 key policies. Then a member of each party went to our ‘constituencies’ (years 1-4) to make a speech and then those classes voted for their ‘member of Parliament’. We ended up with no party receiving an overall majority after year 6 counted the votes. Well done to all of the year 5s for thei interest, engagement, team work and determination shown in their work!

Year 5 Quiz Competition

On Friday 28th June we took a team of 4 pupils to RA Butler school against 10 other teams from local schools in the area. They took part in rounds including maths, geography, history and many more and the team finished in 3rd position! Well done to everyone on the team. 

Stansted Aerozone Trip

On Tuesday 23rd April we were lucky enough to visit Stansted Aerozone. We had a walk from the school to the bus stop, making it in time for the scheduled bus. We learnt a valuable lesson about public transport - that it isn't always to be trusted - as two buses that were timetabled did not come. We got on the first available bus and arrived at the Aerozone. During the day we were taught about the history of the airport, all of the functions of the airport and had all of our many questions answered. We also got to have a bit of a taste of what it is like to work at Stansted airport by having a go at a wide variety of activities ranging from packing boxes, to trying on clothing and equipment and even having a go on a flight simulator! We also were able to go to their viewing deck to see the planes in action. Take a look at the pictures below to see what we got up to. 

Summer Term 2024

Welcome back to school after what has hopefully been a wonderful Easter break! We now enter the summer term where our topic is The Battle for England 410 - 1066AD. Please see the planning overview below for details of what we will be learning about across the curriculum this term as well as the class newsletter. As well as this, the new term's homework grids and spelling rules are available as well as having been stuck into the homework books. PE session this term will continue to take place on a Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon.

Ancient Greek Food

Our DT work this term has been all about Ancient Greek food. We thought about what makes a healthy, balanced diet and then tasted and evaluated some food inspired by Ancient Greek cuisine including making our own version of bread from that time. Following this, we designed and made our own Ancient Greek savoury dishes. Take a look at what we made and what the other groups thought about it below.

Visiting Chicks

In Cherry class, we have some chicks which have recently hatched and we took a trip to visit the chicks. Take a look at photos of our visit below.

Ancient Greek Day

We were visited by Penaelaus from Ancient Greece for the day. He told us lots of interesting information about battles within Ancient Greece and against the enemies of the Ancient Greeks. We completed activities including a quiz, an Archimedes puzzle and Petteia (a strategy game involving stones). In the afternoon, Penaelaus donned his warrior costume and told us about the armour and weapons they would have worn and used as well as some more key battles. Finally, we finished with a short Ancient Olympics style competition. A very interesting and enjoyable day.

Ancient Greek Pots

In our artwork this term we have been making pots inspired by those used in Ancient Greece. First we evaluated pots considering their use based on shape. Then we designed our own pots with a specific purpose in mind. Once we had made our pots out of clay, we looked at the designs used to decorate pots in Ancient Greece and painted our pots inspired by this. Finally, we glazed our pots using PVA glue. Take a look at us with our finished pots below!

Ancient Greek Theatre

As part of our work on Ancient Greece, we have been learning about some of the leisure activities that were popular in those times. One of the key activities was watching theatre. During plays, actors would wear masks to portray different emotions of characters. Take a look at our masks that we created in that style below. Can you work out the emotion we were thinking of?

Ancient Greek Clothing

in our topic work, we learned about the clothing typically worn in Ancient Greece. As part of our lesson, we used duvet covers to try out some Ancient Greek clothing, using them to make a tunic, so we could see what it would have been like to wear. Take a look at them below.

Forest School - Stars

For our final Forest School session before Christmas, we made stars out of sticks and string as Christmas decorations. Take a look at our creations below.

Evening Forest School

Our final event as a class for November was our evening forest school. We came back to school at 4pm and stayed until 6pm, starting in the light and finishing when it was very dark. While we were there, we played games, had free time in the dark and had some hot dogs, s'mores and hot chocolate around the fire.  

DT Project - Air Raid Shelters

In DT this term we have been looking at air raid shelters from World War II. We looked at some of the designs that they used and why they used these, then made our own design criteria for what our own air raid shelters should be able to do. After this, we designed our own air raid shelters to meet this before making a model of our design out of cardboard. To finish off, we tested our models against our design criteria. Take a look at some of our designs and some of our tests below.

Lincolnsfields 1940s Experience

On 21st November we went to near Watford for our 1940s experience day. We dressed in our costumes and went on a day to learn more about life in the UK during World War II. We experienced the Blitz in a school style air raid shelter, looked at the fascinating exhibits in the museum and looked around a typical 1940s house. A very interesting and fun day out! Take a look at the pictures to see what we got up to.

Forest School - Loy Kratong

This week at Forest School we learnt about the Thai festival of Loy Kratong which literally translates as 'light boat/basket'. In this festival they make baskets and light candles in them and float them on rivers and lakes. We had a go at making our own baskets out of natural materials at forest school. Take a look at what we created.


For 4 days, we took part in bikeability to improve our cycling skills and learn how to cycle safely on the roads. We weren't too lucky with the weather with quite a few sessions being rather wet, but lots was learnt and we hope that this is put into practice with lots of bike rides outside of school and more children cycling to school. 

Science - Properties and Changes of Materials

Our science topic this term has been all about materials. We have learnt about different scientific properties of materials and sorted them using Venn and Carol diagrams. We have learnt about dissolving, reversible and irreversible reactions and how the main ways of changing materials are to heat them or mix them with another material. We have had the chance to do lots of experiments and ended with an investigation to find out what ingredients were through scientific tests on them. Take a look at some of what we did in the photographs below.

Forest School - Micro-mazes

A smaller than usual Forest School session this week as many of the children were running in the cross country competition. We imagined that we were shrunk down to the size of the insects within the forest and made mazes using natural materials that we could follow if we were that size. Take a look at what we came up with.

Gilwell Park Residential

From 4th - 6th October, we went on our class residential trip to Gilwell Park, Chingford. We took part in a wide variety of adventurous activities in the woodland site. The children had a brilliant time, learning new skills, conquering fears and achieving things that at the start of the trip they thought that might not be able to. They supported each other so well through the whole trip and demonstrated excellent team work, making it a thoroughly enjoyable and successful trip. Take a look at the photographs below of all of the amazing activities that we got to do!

Forest School - Bird Feeders

At Forest School this week, we made some bird feeders to hang up around the forest area to support the birdlife that inhabit the area during the winter.

Forest School - Capture the Flag

At Forest School this week, we played 3 versions of the game 'Capture the Flag'. As well as having lots of fun, we worked on how to work well as a team to be as successful as possible. 

Harvest Assembly

On Monday 9th October we had our harvest assembly. As well as watching what every class had put together, we brought in lots of donations to go to Stansted food bank to support those struggling with affording food. We performed a short World War II harvest play showing the differences in Harvest during the difficult times of the war. 

Run Rabbit Run!

Still image for this video

The Blitz - Rationing

As we continued to learn about what life was like during the Blitz, we learnt about rationing and the types of food that were limited each week for families. We had a go at making some rationing recipes that were used in Word War II. We made 'crunchies'  - a type of oat biscuit - and a cake/pudding made from mashed potato. We enjoyed the crunchies more than the cake/pudding!

The Blitz - Games

As part of our topic about The Blitz, we have been learning about what life was like for people in London when it happened. So, to see what life was like for children during the Blitz, we played some different games that they would have played in those times. After that, we designed our own games that could have been played then as well.

Forest School - Tracking

This week at Forest School, we used tracking symbols made out of natural materials to lay trails for other groups to follow. 

The Jolly Postman

As we have been working towards writing persuasive letters in English, some of the children have been working from the book 'The Jolly Postman'. They wrote some letters and had a trip to the post box to post them. 

Forest School - Kim's Game

In our first Forest School session of the year, we had a go at playing Kim's game. First of all the children had a minute to remember 10 items found in the forest area, then they went off in groups of 4 to look for them. 2 points for an exact match and 1 point for a close match. The winning team scored 18 out of a possible 20 points! Afterwards, the groups set another group their own Kim's game. It was incredible what they found to use. Items even included a golf ball, a brick and a large slug! Have a look at the picture below, which also include some fun on the swing in free time after the game.


Homework should be completed from the homework grid. Children should choose one task a week to complete and hand it in on a Tuesday. Homework books will be handed out again on a Thursday ready for the children to complete their next piece of homework. The homework grid is available below as well as being stuck in your child's homework book.


Regular reading at home should still be happening. A combination of reading alone and reading to an adult or sibling is a good idea for year 5 pupils. Times tables and division facts underpin so many areas of mathematics that it is crucial that children know them well. The aim is that they can respond within a few seconds to any calculation given rather than having to count through times tables to get there. It is important to practise regularly to maintain this important knowledge. The links below can support with this. 


Spelling a crucial area to work on in year 5 to consolidate spellings learned in previous years and also to learn new spelling patterns. In your child's homework book is a grid of activities that they can do to practise their spellings at home as well as which spelling patterns we will be learning about during the term. Below is a link to Spelling Frame, which is an excellent programme to practise spellings. Their login is stuck in their homework book.

Spelling and Times Tables Links
