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Willow Class - Year 4

Natural Disasters - Earthquakes

We learnt about earthquakes this week - where in the world the majority happen and how - we had just seven minutes to make an earthquake proof structure out of marshmallows and cocktail sticks, which we tested on a wobble board to see which would stay upright the longest.  We then had an earthquake drill where we had to "Drop, Cover and Hold On!"  We were very excited diving under the tables and making lots of noise banging the metal table legs to attract attention from would-be rescuers.  Finally, we thought about what we would keep in an emergency bag, if ever we were to need one.  

Natural Disasters - Volcanoes

Volcanoes - after learning about where volcanoes are mostly located and how they are formed, we went into the playground to make our own volcanic eruptions.  In groups, we had half a bottle of water, to which we added 2 or 3 teaspoons of bicarbonate of soda, a squirt of washing up liquid and a dash of red food colouring.  We shook the mixture gently so it was all mixed up, then we added vinegar and waited for our volcanoes to "erupt!" 

Revolting Picnic Day

The children had a lot of fun on Thursday, 21st March.  In the morning, we made our Revolting Sandwiches and topped our Revolting Cupcakes, choosing any revolting combination of ingredients from all the kind donations brought in on the day.  We took our picnic to the forest in the afternoon and "enjoyed" it on the field - at last we had a warm dry day!  We ended the afternoon with games and an egg hunt with prizes ranging from dojos to cream eggs.  

World Book Day. During the morning, those of us who were not playing tag rugby, had fun turning potatoes into book characters. Later in the day, we all designed a chocolate/sweet inventing room, in the style of Willy Wonka - we will use these designs to inspire our writing in English. Well done and thank you for coming to school in some great costumes.

Public Speaking Event

On Friday 9th February Noah, Esther, Isaac and Ryver took part in a public speaking event with 6 other local schools at Great Chesterford Primary School. All teams had prepared a speech about a problem with the environment and what we can do to solve it. The team captain (Noah) introduced the team and topic, then the speaker (Esther) read out the speech. Following this, the children from other schools asked questions with Ryver (our responder answered). Isaac's role was the questioner, so he came up with questions to ask after other schools had done their speeches. It was an interesting and informative afternoon with all of the children doing brilliantly to speak so well in front a room of others and a special guest who gave feedback afterwards. Well done to our public speaking team, who represented the school brilliantly.

Pancake day fractions - cutting into half, quarters and eighths and putting toppings on non unitractions such as three eights of the pancake.

Outdoor learning in Science - we went on a bug hunt and explored the different conditions that the creatures lived in.

Outdoor Learning. As part of our Exploring The Amazon topic we took our sketching materials into the forest; thankfully it wasn't raining! We lay on the floor and tried to sketch the canopy above our heads. We also took a photo of what we were looking at to display alongside our drawings in our Art books. Our afternoon ended with a game of Duck, Duck, Goose. Running is not so easy when wearing wellies!

In science we created models of our teeth and learnt the names of the different types of teeth. We also investigated how to look after our teeth and what happens if we don’t.

In science we have created models of the digestive system and learnt the scientific names for the parts

In English, we have learnt how to write biographies. To fit in with our Mapping The World topic, we explored the exciting story of Thor Heyerdahl's Kon-Tiki Expedition and found out more about his life. Some of our class had a go at making their own models of the Kon-Tiki raft.

In RE we have been learning about compassion and in particular about the work of famous humanitarians, such as Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. These photos show us sharing facts using the stand up hands up pair up method. Our Wonder Wall depicts questions we asked at the beginning of term.

In Art we researched and designed our own Ancient Egyptian headdresses and collars. Can you recognise who we are?

These are links to time table songs that the children can use to learn their times tables. Get them moving around while they are singing as it all helps the times tables sink in. 

Homework grid term 6 2024

Newsletter Spring 2024

Topic Web Spring 2024
