Bentfield Primary School and Nursery Bentfield Primary School and Nursery


Primary School and Nursery

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The PTA is the Parent, Teacher Association that works to enhance the learning, development and enjoyment of our children, the pupils at Bentfield Primary School and Nursery, and to promote parental involvement


Like any good PTA we raise funds to pay for things which will enhance the education of the children at the school. Typically we raise between £8000 and £10000 per annum which is used to purchase items that fall outside of the school budget. As an example we have used the money to purchase extra items for the classrooms, playground equipment and funding events like Pantomimes and class workshops.



We organise family events such as the Summer and Christmas Fairs, the children's discos, Easter Egg Hunt and Music in the Park. All the events are a great place to socialise and foster extended relationships between parents, guardians, and of course raise vitally needed funds.


Who is in the PTA?

You!! If you are a parent or guardian of a child who attends Bentfield Primary School or Nursery, or a teacher there then you're in the PTA. You may never attend a meeting or event, but there is no escaping it, you're in! Some take a more active role than others, and at the top end of commitment we have an elected committee that organise and make decisions on behalf of the group.


Get involved

The more people that are actively involved with the PTA the better. You could help organise an event, spread the word, raise funds, bake cakes, brew tea, move tables. Everyone has a skill and if you have 10 minutes to spare please come and get involved and play an active part in your child's school experience.

Halloween Disco - Thursday 24th October

PTA Newsletter Autumn 2024
