Bentfield Primary School and Nursery Bentfield Primary School and Nursery


Primary School and Nursery

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At Bentfield Primary School we aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which we recognise the rights of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) to be taught alongside their peers, while acknowledging their common and differing needs. We work proactively to develop positive attitudes and make reasonable adjustments for pupils with SEND at policy and whole school level, as well as for individual pupils. By doing this our school has done much to promote equality of opportunity for all pupils and to secure their participation in every aspect of school life.


Our pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities have a wide range of requirements and the school has developed skills and expertise in many areas including autism, physical disability, multi-sensory impairment, Down syndrome and other specific health needs. All the staff and pupils have benefited from the inclusive ethos which promotes acceptance of difference and celebrates the achievements of all. The school environment has been developed to be fully accessible with specialist teaching spaces and rooms, e.g. the soft play room and light and sound studio, which are used by the whole school and by other local schools.


We are very proud of our caring ethos and the high level of support we provide both to pupils and parents. We make our teaching stimulating, focused and challenging, matching our approaches to the age, interest, experiences and identified learning needs of our pupils. We ensure that children's experiences in school make them feel positive about themselves and build their self-esteem. Achievements, however small, are always celebrated.


For more information on SEND at our school please either contact our SEND team at or use the links below to find further information.


Head of Learning Support - Mrs Rachel Grant

Assistant Head of Learning Support - Miss Chantal Hobday

Soft Play Area
