Bentfield Primary School and Nursery Bentfield Primary School and Nursery


Primary School and Nursery

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School Uniform

We expect all pupils at Bentfield to wear the appropriate school uniform. This is based on the belief that a uniform:

  • is in keeping with a purposeful learning ethos
  • promotes a sense of pride in the school
  • helps pupils develop a feeling of belonging
  • is practical and distinctive
  • identifies the children with the school
  • is not distracting in class (as fashion clothing might be)
  • makes children feel more equal to one another in terms of appearance
  • reflects a sense of community


Required Uniform


Bentfield Primary School has a new uniform supplier AVM Workwear who are based in Bishop's Stortford. 

Although wearing uniform with the school logo is preferable, it is not a requirement, as we believe this is more in keeping with our aims listed above. We accept items without the logo from any high street retailer, as long as it meets the school colour/uniform requirements listed below:


Pupils in classes from Reception age to Year 6 wear the following:

  • Red sweat shirt or red cardigan
  • Red or White polo shirt
  • Black or grey school trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafores
  • Black sensible shoes (these are to be plain without coloured logos; black trainers are acceptable)
  • In addition to these items we also request that pupils have a red bookbag


The uniform for P.E. is as follows:

  • Red t-shirt
  • Black shorts (and black tracksuit bottoms for colder weather)
  • Black jumper or hoodie for colder weather
  • Plimsolls or trainers with non-marking soles (as the pupils increase in age and take part in a greater range of sports, trainers would be the preferred option)
  • In addition to these items will also request that pupils have a P.E. bag


Pupils attending Nursery do not need to wear school uniform, though we do advise comfortable play clothes and shoes, which they can manage themselves for P.E. or the toilet.


Support with Uniform


If you find the cost of uniform unmanageable and would like to access our pre-loved uniform please email the school office or, if you are comfortable to do so, speak to a member of staff. We have a selection in a range of sizes that families can access. All requests will be dealt with in a sensitive manner.


Hairstyles and Accessories


Extreme hairstyles (e.g. sculptured names/symbols, tramlines, patterns, mohicans and dyed hair) are neither appropriate for a school setting, nor suitable for children of primary school age. This also includes excessive use of hair products. It is recommended to tie back long hair during the school day so that it does not distract children when working. Hair accessories should match the school colours (red or black) and be plain and unobtrusive (no large bows or fascinators).




Pupils must not wear jewellery for safety reasons. The only exception to this is small studded earrings; however, they must not be worn on days when the child has P.E. or swimming. Children will be expected to remove their studs themselves should they come to school wearing them on these days, otherwise they will be unable to take part (we are no longer permitted to cover them with micropore tape as a safety procedure). If you are planning to have your child's ears pierced, please do so at the start of the summer holidays, as this will allow sufficient time for the piercings to heal and for earrings to be removed on the child's return to school. 


Children may wear a sensible analogue or digital watch only, as analogue/digital watches enable the children to learn to tell the time. Please note that we do not permit the wearing of fit-bits or smart watches in school. Not only do they serve as a distraction to learning, smart watches can also cause safeguarding concerns by being used to make or receive messages or record sound and take photos. These devices are expensive and there is a risk that they can be damaged or lost at school.


Jewellery and/or watches are worn entirely at the owner's risk. The school will ask children to remove any jewellery or watches that are causing a distraction or pose a health & safety risk for the activities being undertaken that day.


Make up and Cosmetics


Make up and cosmetics, including nail vanish, are not considered appropriate for school or consistent with our school uniform. The school therefore does not permit such products to be worn by any children, unless there is a specific event for which the Headteacher has given permission.
